T’other side of the line squat the financially doomed and/or broken hearted, hardworking perpetually touring souls that live and breathe this shit. Clearly the point of bringing something altogether new to this particular sub-strata of the punk rock spectrum was passed aeons ago (well, a good few years anyway). Blood bled, sweat sweated, tears cried, beers sunk, miles travelled in cramped and unsavoury conditions all add to the soup being served up by examples of “the genuine article” down the years: Jawbreaker, Avail, Hot Water Music, Iron Chic, Latterman, Off With Their Heads and RVIVR (amongst many, many more) all being prime examples of how bitterness, disappointment, heartbreak and existential angst are presented to what has (and for some at times hasn’t) been a largely uncaring world. But these bands have all squeezed out a few albums that have become classics.